Online voting
Administrators and monitors


Every voting account has at least one administrator, who is the person that created the account.

The administrator can appoint extra administrators and monitors.

While monitors do not have permission to manage the account, they can monitor the voting process via the results page.

It is strongly suggested to share the "Track and Analyze Voting Results" page with the monitors.

Track and Analyze Voting Results

Adding a Role

Navigate to the settings page, click on the "Roles" button, and this will take you to the role editing page. Here you can view the existing roles, edit or delete them.

To add a new role, click on the "Add Role" button and fill in the details: privileges, name, email address, and phone number (optional).

Under the "Privileges" field, there are three options:

  1. Account administrator - with all privileges
  2. Voter List Administrator - with access to voter lists only
  3. Monitor

Administrator with restricted access

You can assign an administrator with limited access to the voter lists only.

This option is useful when the account owner wants to give someone else permission to manage voter lists without providing full access to other account settings.

The restricted administrator will be able to edit existing voter lists, but they will not be able to delete or add new lists.

Verification of a New Role

Once a new role has been added, the system sends a verification request to the role holder that includes a link. Clicking on this link will verify the role holder's email address.

If the role holder is defined as an administrator, the system will prompt them to choose a password.

Sharing a Link to the Results Page

By sharing the link to the voting results, monitors can observe the process in real-time and download the final results file.

This option may eliminate the need to set up monitors in your account.

Password Reset

In case you have forgotten your password, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the login page and select the "Reset Password" button
  2. Enter your registered email address and click the "Send" button
  3. A link to reset your password will be sent to your email